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Possible words you could have used: played; walked; sat etc. v. Grammar and Punctuation. Which kind of punctuation mark would complete the sentence below ...
Grammar Rule for the Week: Use a hyphen to separate compound numbers from twenty-one to ninety-nine, fractions used as adjectives, and to show a span of ...
Grammar Bytes! provides additional handouts and exercises on fragments, comma splices, and fused sentences. Go to chompchomp.com! The End.
Grammar Introduction. Parts of Speech. There are only eight kinds of words. They are the parts of speech. Nouns; Pronouns; Verbs; Adjectives. Adverbs ...
Fill words into your preposition list in your Grammar Notes packet. Step 2. Identify the verb. Verbs. Three types. helping verbs; linking verbs; action verbs.
Grammar boot camp. Pass in Review: Simple/Compound/Complex. (click mouse to ... Even though grammar is hard, I know it will help me sound more intelligent, and ...
“I need help with grammar,” you said. Well, buckle up. Here it comes ... Your paper has numbers on it that correspond to numbers on the Grammar Card. Using ...
A comma splice is a sentence error caused by putting just a poor, weak comma between two complete sentences. We all like grammar , we all love this class.
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