Grammar Introduction. Parts of Speech. There are only eight kinds of words. They are the parts of speech. Nouns; Pronouns; Verbs; Adjectives. Adverbs ...
Grammar Rules. To enhance your writing. Parts of Speech. Preposition – Tells where something takes place ('at' the store), when or why something takes place ...
Grammar Rules: Capitalization. Let's see what you know already! Circle the capitalization mistakes in the following sentence. during the month of july, mr ...
Grammar Made Simple. Recognizing Nouns from Clue Words. A noun is anything you can 'see' or 'touch'. The old rule was to name a: person, place, or thing. This ...
Our innate language faculty (or Universal Grammar) enables us to create a set of rules, or grammar, by being exposed to (rather chaotic) language around us.
Grammar Rule for the Week: Use a hyphen to separate compound numbers from twenty-one to ninety-nine, fractions used as adjectives, and to show a span of ...
Correct grammar: Grammar uses form and sequence to assist the user in maintaining clarity and intention. Most English speakers understand common sentence ...
“I need help with grammar,” you said. Well, buckle up. Here it comes ... Your paper has numbers on it that correspond to numbers on the Grammar Card. Using ...
I know I will do well on my final; however, I still need to review my grammar. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPoBE-E8VOc. Appositive Phrase. a noun or noun ...